The Weight of Glory

The transformation of Christian hope in the modern age

April 26, 2021

In today’s episode, my friend Kale and I reflect on paragraphs 16 through 23 of Pope Benedict XVI’s encyclical letter on hope, which asks the question: How has the concept of Christian hope been transformed in the modern age? More specifically, how has modernity reappropriated the concepts of faith and hope in the service of secular goals?

Show notes/resources:

Tracy Chapman, “Heaven’s Here on Earth“, New Beginning

Francis Bacon, Novum Organum

The Tower of Babel, Genesis 11 (RSVCE)

G.W.F. Hegel’s dialectical method of argument

Moral Therapeutic Deism (MTD)

The myth of Prometheus

Saint John Henry Cardinal Newman, The Idea of a University, Discourse 3: Bearing of Theology on other Branches of Knowledge

If you’re enjoying this podcast, or wish to send along a question or friendly critique, drop me a note on Twitter @WeightOfGlory or send me an email at Also, please spread the word via your social channels. Most especially, I’d welcome reviews over at Apple Podcasts: that will help more people discover the show.

The music in the introduction and close of this podcast is provided by Dennis Crommett

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