The Weight of Glory

the shroud of Turin

March 30, 2021

For the second year in a row, the Shroud of Turin – which bears the image of a crucified man and has been venerated for centuries as Christ’s burial cloth – was placed on display on Holy Saturday (April 3, 2021) in the Cathedral of Saint John the Baptist in Turin.

On my podcast this week, I have posted the audio of a talk given in 2005 about the Shroud of Turin by Jack Sacco. Sacco, an engineer and writer by trade, interviewed the multi-disciplinary group of scientists who were given access to study the Shroud in 1978. The venue for the two-hour presentation was Saint Monica’s Catholic Church in Santa Monica, California, and the speaker was introduced by Father Willy Raymond, CSC. Music for this episode was provided by 3brass.

“Many of us [scientists] were, at first, quite confident of our technical adequacy. Some may have even been cocky. But none of us survived this extraordinary voyage into the unknown without becoming more humble and more aware of the dimensions of our ignorance. Scientific hubris may have been our mutual sin at the outset, but now we have learned better.”

John Heller, biochemist who studied the Shroud
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