The Weight of Glory

Pope Day in Hollywood

October 17, 2003

I received an e-mail reminder yesterday from a friend about October 16 – “Pope Day.”

As soon as I got her e-mail, I went to see if there was, in fact, anything planned in the Los Angeles area. The popeday website simply mentioned that someone in LA had requested copies of the Love & Responsibility handout. But there was nothing in the calendar of the diocesan newspaper, so I couldn’t connect with other young adults.

But I decided to do my own Pope Day activity: hand out the L&R article on the streets of Los Angeles! I went to Kinko’s and made 25 copies. When I approached people, I first would initiate a conversation with one of the following:

Some of the recipients so far:

Almost always, people have been curious. And three of them genuinely thanked me for the chance to read what the Pope actually has said.

So God’s grace is active, even in the bowels of the Hollywood dragon.

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